Cemetery Mapping: A plot plan of a cemetery to manage the burial plots. This map replaces an old vague diagram of plots. The project deals mostly with the east side of the cemetery. The plan is based on a legal survey that included the boundary, building, fence and some of the old headstones. A plot layout system was devised to manage the identification and precise location for new burial plot sales.
Cemetery Map – Image of the map
GIS Video – View an video to see how the above cemetery map was created. (11 min video – about 12 second to download)
Town Map: A town map of Bradford Ontario is in progress. Several layers of the map were obtained from the Open Street Maps service, but many updates and customization of the data have been added. While this is a work in progress, click the link below for a preview of the finished map. (NOTE: This project is currently about 2 years out-of-date)
Town Map